(Tentative) Lecture Schedule

Spring Quarter, 2024

This schedule will be updated throughout the quarter.

Date Lecture Topic Resources Project Milestones
Mon, Apr 1      
Tue, Apr 2 Course Intro, Syllabus, and Intro to Large Code Bases Lecture Slides
Pre-Course Survey
Github Copilot Student Signup
Wed, Apr 3      
Thu, Apr 4 Introduction to OSS, Development Environments, Building Lecture Slides Project 1 Released
Fri, Apr 5      
Mon, Apr 8      
Tue, Apr 9 Program Comprehension 1: Code Navigation Lecture Slides  
Wed, Apr 10      
Thu, Apr 11 Program Comprehension 2: Making Experimental Code Changes Lecture Slides Project 1 Due
Fri, Apr 12      
Mon, Apr 15      
Tue, Apr 16 Program Comprehension 3: The Debugger Lecture Slides Project 2 Released
Week 3 Reflection Survey
Wed, Apr 17      
Thu, Apr 18 Program Comprehension 4: Debugger + Diagramming Lecture Slides Exploration Activity 1
Fri, Apr 19      
Mon, Apr 22      
Tue, Apr 23 Program Comprehension 5: Using Test Cases Lecture Slides Project 2 Checkpoint
Group Project Proposal Released
Wed, Apr 24      
Thu, Apr 25 Program Comprehension 6: Just in Time Learning Lecture Slides Project 3 Released
Fri, Apr 26      
Mon, Apr 29      
Tue, Apr 30 LLMs 1 Lecture Slides Project 2 Due
Exploration Activity 2 Due
Wed, May 1      
Thu, May 2 LLMs 2 Lecture Slides  
Fri, May 3     Group Project Proposals Due
Mon, May 6     Project 4 Released
Code Walkthrough Presentation
Tue, May 7 Unit Testing 1 Lecture Slides  
Wed, May 8     Project 3 Due
Thu, May 9 Unit Testing 2 Lecture Slides  
Fri, May 10      
Mon, May 13      
Tue, May 14 Project Management 1 Lecture Slides  
Wed, May 15      
Thu, May 16 Project Management 2 Lecture Slides  
Fri, May 17      
Saturday, May 18      
Sunday, May 19     Project 4 Due
Mon, May 20     Late Deadline for Project 4 (@ 11:59PM)
Tue, May 21 Misc. Topics (CI/CD, Profiling, OSS Contributing) Lecture Slides
Skill Demo
Project 3 Changes Requested Due
Wed, May 22      
Thu, May 23 In-Class Project Work Lecture Slides Final Project Checkpoint 1 (no grace period for this)
Fri, May 24      
Mon, May 27      
Tue, May 28 Code Walkthrough Presentations Lecture Slides  
Wed, May 29      
Thu, May 30 Code Walkthrough Presentations Lecture Slides
Exploration Activity 3 due Thursday
Fri, May 31      
Mon, June 3      
Tue, June 4 Profiling and Feedback Lecture Slides  
Wed, June 5      
Thu, June 6 Skill Demonstration Lecture Slides
Final Skill Demonstration
Fri, May 24      
Monday, June 10 (Finals Week) Final Group Presentation   Final Project Due