Final Project Proposals

Due Date: Friday, May 3, 23:59

Your project team of four will be putting forward two separate proposals. We will evaluate both proposals in terms of feasibility and assign one as your team’s final project.

We do not require that you fully implement everything in your proposal in order to receive full credits for the group project, as sometimes certain features prove more difficult to implement/modify than originally thought as we dive deeper into the project.

Nonetheless, we highly encourage you to be more ambitious with your proposals. Remember that this is a month-long project for four engineers – Do not underestimate what can be achieved with that many engineering hours! We may reject project proposals that we deem lacking in complexity.

Motivating Your Project Idea

As you know, IDLE is a basic IDE primarily used by new programmers who are only learning to code. Therefore, it does not necessarily aim to have all the features that powerful IDEs include for experienced developers. Therefore, your project idea can be motivated by the educational value of IDLE. For example, you may look to add a feature to IDLE that aims to help novice programmers who are using it in their first programming class. Even if you do not consider an idea with an educational slant, you may motivate your proposal with impacts to developer productivity or well-being.

In short, please motivate your project proposal by relating it to some real world impact of the new feature, whether it is for students learning to program or developers being more productive.

Writing Your Project Proposals

Your proposals should have the following sections to receive full credits:

  1. Project title: A snappy title for your project.
  2. Team members: List all names, email addresses, and PIDs of your group members.
  3. Project summary: A brief description of what your project does.
  4. Project outline/Feasibility analysis: Provide a rough outline of your project timeline, as well as a basic analysis of what changes to which components will be involved, so that we have a good idea of the potential scope of your project.
  5. Checkpoint deliverables: There will be two checkpoints before the final due date (presentation) of your project. You should write down what you expect will be completed by each checkpoint.

Though not required, a brief description of how work will be split among your team will also be a welcome addition.

Note that whatever feature you propose, you should endeavor to make it as full-fledged as possible. For example, the split screen feature would not be considered complete without the support of a series of convenient keyboard shortcuts and the ability to dynamically resize panels. Again, be ambitious with your proposals, and work hard to make it happen!

Example Project Ideas

Here are some example project ideas that the course staff have thought of. These are just examples to illustrate the approximate level of complexity that we expect from your project proposals.

If at all possible, try to come up with original project ideas.

I. Adding split screen support

Splitting an editor window into multiple panes is a great way to boost coding productivity as it allows us to have multiple files open at the same time instead of Ctrl-Tabbing through multiple editor windows. It is also often useful to split the window between an editor and a terminal (e.g. pressing Ctrl-~ (Control + tilde) in VS Code brings up an integrated terminal panel). We could try to implement this feature in IDLE as well.

II. Code Autofill

One really helpful tool that a lot of IDEs such as VSCode or Pycharm have is the ability to autofill code snippets. Code snippets are basically pre-defined pieces of code which are usually very commmonly used, and can help the programmer/user save a lot of time by not having to write down these trivial pieces of code. This feature is also very helpful for new and novice programmers as it helps them avoid minor errors. We can implement this autofill feature as an extension to IDLE which can be enabled by the user when they are inside a editor window.

III. Generate Code Explanations

This idea has a lot of educational value, and if someone built it, I would even consider doing a research project about it. The feature would allow users to highlight a piece of code and click “Explain”, causing an output window that explains the syntax and meaning of the highlighted code for a novice programmer. If you want to do this idea, please come talk to me and we can discuss design ideas!

IV. Miscellaneous Ideas

You may consider a wide range of project ideas. Feel free to propose projects related to the design and front-end of IDLE, the set of features available while programming, or anything else that you are able to motivate. Please don’t limit yourself to the few sample ideas listed here.

Submitting Your Proposals

We have created a new GitHub classroom assignment for the group project. Once you and your group members are ready, go ahead and accept the GitHub Classroom assignment.

Before your repository is generated, one of you needs to create a new group, after which the other members can locate and join that group. Feel free to choose a distinctive group name so that others don’t mistakenly join your group, and break the CS-people-can’t-name-things stereotype.

Click here for the GitHub Classroom assignment invitation.

To submit your two proposals, create two GitHub Issues in your group project repository, one for each proposal. The proposal contents should be written in the issue description. (Make it pretty with proper markdown usage!) You can also use the comment feature as a space to discuss your project proposals with your team members.


Make sure each of your two proposals contains, at a minimum, all the sections outlined earlier. Be as detailed and descriptive as you deem necessary to show us the estimated scope and complexity of your project ideas.

Your two proposals will be graded based on their quality. Therefore, you should spend some time to carefully investigate the existing code base once you have your initial ideas.

We have high expectations for your final projects, and we look forward to reading your proposals.

“Ugh, so much writing!” I hear you say. Welcome to the industry!