Presentation Details

The format for the demo should be very much like the code walkthrough presentations that everyone will have done by the end. The only difference is that each team will be strictly limited to 25 minutes for their demo contents.

If your presentation exceeds 25 minutes, you will unfortunately be cut off, and lose points for whatever required content you are not able to cover in time. So please, rehearse your presentation beforehand, and decide carefully what is worth spending time on and what is not.

Presentation Content

You must cover all three of these items:

  1. (Required) Demonstrate your final product.
  2. (Required) Explain your implementation at a high level.
  3. (Required) Overview of testing. Show unit tests or human tests at the very least.

Then choose one or two of the following things to include in your presentation:

  • Describe one or two major design decisions.
  • Key obstacles and how you overcame them
  • Show diagrams of your added code
  • Anything else you think is important for us to know about the project.

Added details 6/4

We highly, highly encourage you to have some interactive component in the presentation to keep the audience engaged. This can involve asking questions to the audience, having a Google Form for us to fill out during the presentation, having a small activity for the audience to complete, a mini-quiz for us to do, etc. Please be creative with this, and keep in mind that keeping your audience engaged is a crucial part of any presentation!